Hi all! This is my very first foray into 3D and Unity, so my question is very basic.
I have my player object pushing a sphere (from now on referred to as a ball) around. Both of these objects have rigidbodies so that they can collide with things, though for now, the player char is kinematic to avoid messing up facing direction/key-press. I’ve also set up a simple box collider that, when the ball enters it, pops text up on the UI layer for a little while. So far so good.
However, the ball refuses to enter the trigger area. It brushes up against the collider area and triggers, sure, but it doesn’t move through it but acts like it’s hit a wall. I figure it’s because the box collider’s “is trigger” isn’t ticked*, but here’s the thing:* if I do tick “is trigger”… nothing happens. The ball goes straight through it and doesn’t trigger the script.
I’ve tried giving the box collider/trigger area a rigidbody, I’ve turned gravity on/off, I fiddled around with meshes. I moved the script around so that it’d destroy the object in collision just to double check that it’s not a badly written script, but that also only works when the trigger area doesn’t have “is trigger” ticked and functions like a hard wall… What am I doing wrong? Thanks so much in advance!