Spherical Grid of Instantiated GameObjects?

89651-cylindrical-grid.jpgThere are nice solutions to creating grids of gameobjects using column and row nested loops. I can also place a column or a row along a circular path to then create a cylindrical grid as I’ve done here.
There is also a nice solution out there to attach gameobjects to points around a sphere. The problem for me with this last technique is that there is no grid-like pattern. The points seem more random.
The following script is culled mostly from this forum of course! (There is also a span option to produce a portion of a 360 degree cylinder.)
How can I convert this cylinder into a sphere (or portion of one if the poles become too problematic).
Thank you!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class MakeSphericalGrid : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject prefab;

    public int columns = 40;
    public int rows    = 5;
    public float objectSpacing = .05f;

    [Header("Circular Setup")]
    public Vector3 centerPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);//center of circle/elipsoid
    public float radiusX = 1f;
    public float radiusY = 1f;
    public float radiusZ = 1f;
    public float span = 360;//portion of circle/sphere to create

    private GameObject go;

    private float rowHeight;

    void Start()
        //set distance between rows
        rowHeight = prefab.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size.x + objectSpacing;

        span = 360 / span;
        if (span <= 1f)
            span = 1f;

        for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++) 
            for (var col = 0; col < columns; col++)

                float pointNum = (col * 1.0f) / columns;

                //angle along the unit circle for placing points
                float angle = pointNum * Mathf.PI * 2/span;

                float x = Mathf.Sin(angle) * radiusX;
                float z = Mathf.Cos(angle) * radiusZ;

                Vector3 pointPos = new Vector3(x, row * rowHeight, z) + centerPos;

                go = Instantiate(prefab, pointPos, Quaternion.identity, transform);




@TreyH thank you! this is very interesting.

i’m not sure why (and i’m not sure that i will be able to understand this since the math is difficult for me), but the latitude lines don’t seem to behave as expected.
the longitude lines behave normally. if i set them to 12, i see 12 of them. if i set latitude lines to 12, i do not see 12 of them. and different proportions of lat and long lines seem to cause the spherical grid to row/col count to change differently from the expected count.

you’ve done so much, but any suggestions on a fix for this?