Hi. I’m learning Unity for my next game project and I am thinking about using either Spine or Spriter. I backed both of them on Kickstarter way back so I own them both already. But never used them before since my current (and long running) project doesn’t need them. So I need to learn one of them. Or would it simply be better to stick with the built in animation tool in Unity?
Have anyone tried either or both and can compare them to each other or to Unity’s animation tool? What are the pros and cons? I am trying to find recent comparisons and how they both work with Unity.
No - if you own both superior animation tools - don’t settle for Unity’s inferior built in animation tools. Not a slight to the animation tools in Unity - its just low bar compared to both spine and spriters advanced rigging & animation tools.
Suggest taking 2-4 hours playing with both softwares and gauging for yourself which fits your workflow and needs best.
I have spriter but have yet to use if for production. I choose it because spine has some weird file requirements and it didn’t seem logical to me.
With that negative out of the way - I believe spine is a top quality tool - and there are a lot of artists who use it to make quality content. I believe it also has a very straight forward importing pipeline, compared to spriter import pipe which is - not as streamlined.
Thanks for your reply. I guess I should give both of them a try. I think it might take me more then 2-4 hours to do a proper evaluation. But hopefully I can get an understanding of their workflows. Got to complete my current project first though.