Splash screen scripting control and progress bar

Have you considered:

  • Being able to manipulate via API when the Splash hides so it can be manually and not when the first scene it’s ready.
  • Being able to place a progress bar (similar to WebGL) so we can load our application data (files, asset bundles, …) and show feedback.

It’s something that always bothered me that you see a splash screen and then you have to make another second custom screen to show a progress bar that “breaks” the layout because the user clearly sees this screen change.


Controlling when it hides via API could be possible. How would you see that working? Play through all images and then stop on the final one or stop before the background fades out? It should be possible to provide a nicer transition between the Unity splash and your own though.

Showing a progress bar for loading the first scene could potentially be possible although allowing for customising it could become complicated, there are many different styles to show loading progress. Would you also want to show text messages during this?

Thanks for the feedback

It should be optional. Have a Checkbox in player settings like animation component “Play automatically”. So if you don’t check that you will have your splash stopped and visible with first logo in array. I mean you will skip the “fade in” part and when you “Play()” by code you will have the “fade out” (in Unity personal will be hardcoded to 2 seconds for example and in other versions you can decide if it’s immediate or not the next transition) to game scene or to the next “logo” in the array of the splash screen configuration if you have more.

It should be composed of a background sprite (normal or sliced) and a foreground sprite (filled) or if you want simple have a default progress bar and set two colors for background or foreground (webgl solution).

Text message would be nice so we can show messages like “loading bla bla…”, “loading bla bla 2…” or simply “25%, 30%, 35%, …”.

Interesting. We dont actually support sliced or filled sprites in the splash screen at the moment, just simple ones. We may add support for sliced in the future but I can’t see us adding filled sprite support. We dont have access to the UI system in the splash so filled sprite support would need to be implemented again just for the splash.
We do already have loading bar support down as a suggestion, I have added your comments to this. We will review it once we have finished the audio/video support.
I have some changes to the watermark system I have been working on that could potentially allow for text messages to be shown although this is still something I am experimenting with.

Thanks for the suggestions!

The filled sprite was a future idea (so we could have a really customized splash), having a standard progress bar where you could change the color would be a basic feature that keeps in pair with WebGL approach.


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