Spline Controller - Need help (Paid)

Ok so I’m trying to use the spline controller Script on the Wiki. But basically I get compilation errors. So really I’m just wondering what I need to change to get it to work please? As I’m not a good enough scripter to be able to understand whats going on in that script.

Link to the script in question:

PS I’m using Unity iPhone, just in case that could mean I need to change something.

Edit: Ok well i need this sorting rather fast, so I’ll send $30 to anyone who makes the script(s) work on Unity iPhone (via Paypal), and it can be uploaded to the community wiki for everyone else to use. Needs doing by the 25th, first person to PM me saying they can do it gets “the job”.
Payment will be sent via paypal so let me know ure address in the PM.

Adam G

Ok well it works on unity for PC, so I guess it’s something to do with the difference between unity pc and unity iPhone.

If anyone knows what the problem(s) could be I’d really appreciate it!

Adam G

“Hi. I get errors. Please help”, isn’t nearly enough information. I’m not good enough of a psychic to divine from the aether what compilation errors you’re getting.

Sorry your right I should have been more specific.

I’m getting a large list of compilation errors present only when trying to use the scripts in unity iPhone.

The errors are all more of less saying that numerous variables (eg “Position”, “Time”, “Point”, “Rot” "are not members of “Object”).

I assume this is due to a variation in what can and cant be scripted between unity PC and unity iPhone and would like to know what this may be so I can identify what sections of the script need altering.

Ok well i need this sorting rather fast, so I’ll send $30 to anyone who makes the script(s) work on Unity iPhone (via Paypal), and it can be uploaded to the community wiki for everyone else to use.

Adam G

I used the spline controller to create the roads in InvinciCar and one thing that I noticed was that the “new” keyword was being used on MonoBehaviour objects.

This caused warnings in Unity, since you are not supposed to use the New keyword with MonoBehaviours, only AddComponent.

I do see there there is a c# version on the wiki (by Benoit FOULETIER):

He does seem to have a comment in there about the “new” being changed to AddComponent.

Throw that in your Assets/Plugins folder if you are using Javascript.

yeah tried that in unity iPhone, still had compile errors…

Thanks for the suggestion tho :)!

Anyone ever found a solution to this issue for Unity iPhone? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :roll: