Spline Unity 2.7.2

i’m using Spline Unity v 2.7.2 (the latest) and when i do a spline extrude, i always have this error :

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Segments must be greater than 2
Parameter name: segments
UnityEngine.Splines.SplineMesh.Extrude[TSplineType,TVertexType,TIndexType,TShapeType] (TSplineType spline, etc...

everything was working fine before.

Having similar issues with Spine 2.7.2, multiple errors in play mode.
Had no issues with Spline 2.6.1.
Also Spline 2.7.2 with Spline Extrude is extremally resource heavy in playmode, and in edit mode dragging around the Range slider in the Spline Extrude’s inspector has huge delays and causes a wait spinner to appear as it try’s to calculate the changes, this did not happen in older version like 2.6.1 (before types were added as a drop down option)