Split Application Binary for Android build - main APK is still over 50 MB

I’ve got a project that produces ~80 MB apks. This is a problem when publishing to the Google Play store, as they require you to submit a main apk under 50 MB, and put everything else in an expansion file. I’m checking the “Split Application Binary” box in Unity, but the main apk is still over 50 MB. The weird thing is, I tried deleting some unused mesh data from a larger model, and that shrunk the size of the build - but as far as I can tell, everything that isn’t code should be in the .obb. Has anyone run into this before?

Unity will basically include the first scene in your apk and the rest will be split into the OBB file. If your fist scene has more then 50 mb of data you have to make a smaler loader scene in front.

You can make a small loader scene and then load the OBB file via the Google plugin for example.
Its described here: