Hi! Recently I ran into a problem that my aab file began to weigh too much to upload it to the Play Market. And I would like to somehow reduce its size, as is done with apk and obb. What to do? I tried to make a Split Application Binary, but something didn’t work. (Screenshot below)
Start by working through the first options that Google shows you.
There is no sense retyping it all here for you in the forum.
So, first of all I did it. Decreased by 25 megabytes, but the file is still too big! Do you think I didn’t type this into Google search? I’ve done this 100 times, but I haven’t found the answers I need! And so, here’s my question again: How to make it so that i can download a file in the Play Market that is more than 150 megabytes. Can I use some kind of extension file?
Have you fixed this yet? If not, try upload the aab again after you’ve done the Split Application Binary. Maybe it actually worked even though the aab may be bigger than 150MB
You can first download the downloader which will then download the rest of the app.