Split-Screen with 2 Xbox 360 Controllers Input help

Does any one know how to make split screen? Now I have a splittet screen but I also want two diffrent Controller/Inputs wich, not only for the buttons, also for the left and right joystick. sorry for my english and I am a beginner in Unity3d.


1st you asked how to make a split screen - if you go to your camera component you will see a “Normalized View Port Rect”. There set one camera to something like “x-0.5,y-0,w-.5,h-1” and the other to “x-0,y-0,w-.5,h-1” if I remember correctly.

2nd i’m not sure if your doing this over the internet(netwrorked multiplayer) or with a person next to you but if it is over the interent you can use something like “networkview.ismine”. Im not sure how you can go about this if you’re going to play with a guy next to you