split screen?

I know this is not possible but just double-check

Split screen- using 2 cameras to render different view at the same time- is not possible for unity iPhone right?

It is perfectly possible. But it will result in a lot more drawcalls.

Can you explain briefly? please?

I thought it’s using Render-to-texture feature, which is not possible in Unity iPhone.

To be honest, I haven’t tried it, but I have used two camera’s in overlay, ie one for 3D stuff and one for the gui, so I’m assuming it is possible.

I think you need to use the normalized viewport rect property of your camera’s to tell them where to render.

No, just two cameras. No problems at all.


Hi Tion80

Split screen is perfectly doable. I have 2 games on the appstore if you’d like to check out that both features 2-player split screen.

  1. Robot Wars 3D (to be renamed as Robotz)
  2. Monster Machines

As smag suggested, you use normalized viewport rect to achieve this… And yes…, you are looking to double the draw calls, so it will slow down your game approx 2X.

Hope that helps. :smile:

Am I right in thinking it’s not possible with Unity iPhone to do the same with cameras on top of each other - to create stereo 3D anaglyphs on the fly?

it may be possible with multiple cameras and some clever use of transparency.

If you’re talking ol’ school cyan/purple glasses, you would need to use an additive or screen mixing mode to combine the two cameras.

Additive works well, but you’ll get ‘dead zones’ in your 3D :slight_smile:

Ideally a clamped additive (screen mix) is the way to go.

you don’t have a programable pipeline at your hand to use, as such fullscreen effects like 3d view can become very tricky to near impossible. for real 3d as it is common today its definitely impossible but even red - green 3d will become hard to impossible as you can’t apply a shader to the screen, so your world must be red and green as rendertextures are not available

Yes, I only meant red/cyan glasses 3D (not movie theater quality RealD, which requires polarized glasses and special projection - though that would be pretty cool!) :shock:

Something like this photo, basically the scene rendered through two cameras, layered on top of each other. Camera 1 (left eye view) would have the red filter applied to it, and Camera 2 (right eye view) would have the cyan filter applied.

Other games are doing this already, just haven’t figured it out in Unity yet (will play around with additive filters to see what I can come up with).

Example of realtime 3D rendering:
Arcade Spinball

Apologies for any thread-jacking. :roll:

EDIT: Just realized what you said, dreamora, about not being able to apply a shader to the camera, which is exactly what it needs, I think. For one camera to look “through” the other camera… :?

I haven’t tried this yet, but what if you put a red or blue plane in front of either camera and applied the additive particle shader to it? I can’t test this at the moment, but it might get the results you are looking for.

thanks for help! these are great :wink:

HI Bububear

//"Split screen is perfectly doable. I have 2 games on the appstore if you’d like to check out that both features 2-player split screen.

  1. Robot Wars 3D (to be renamed as Robotz)
  2. Monster Machines
    As smag suggested, you use normalized viewport rect to achieve this… And yes…, you are looking to double the draw calls, so it will slow down your game approx 2X."//

Hey I have seen your game i would like to know how have you done this.

thank you

Hi raviraj,

It’s pretty simple.

  1. Create 2 cameras
  2. Set up the “normalized viewport rect” settings to position and scale the camera so that you can see the renders of both cameras simultaneously on screen (ie set height to 0.5 for half screen, and position it accordingly)
  3. Rotate camera 2 along the Z. Give it a value of 180 and it will appear to flip vertically.

That’s pretty much it. Let me know that’s not working for you. :slight_smile:

One more note in case you’re not aware… The 2 camera setup will slow down your game by practically 2 times, because the number of draw calls will be doubled. So keep that in mind before you design your levels.

Hey Bububear

Thanks dude

I have tried it out its working great thanks :smile:
Also thanks for the NOTE I will keep that in mind.

thanks again :slight_smile:

No problem. Enjoy. :slight_smile: