split texture


i’m making a painting application.

i’d like to be able to draw on a big plane.

i’m creating a texture via scripting but when i draw, the resolution is very low.

my texture is 512x512 px but as i apply it on a big plane, pixels get stretched out very heavily resulting in big pixels.

what’s the best practice to have a big plane with good texture resolution ? splitting the floor with a texture per chunck ?


Still if you split the floor the texture will be the same size, unless it’s a tileable texture and is needed for example terrain or something like that.So basically it’s ok and good to increase tiling size (better than to increase mesh size) for your texture, if it’s repeatable. If you have a simple texture like a door that shouldn’t repeated over and over then you have no choice, but to change the texture size as you can’t do much to make it look better on big planes/meshes.

not sure to fully understand but my texture will be paint on, so its not repeatable.

plus, i wonder if i should split the floor because a 512x512 texture applied on a 10x10 plane is not the same visual render as the same texture applied on a 1x1 plane.

As said it depends on the texture if this texture is for example just grass and you want the user or whatever to paint that texture on the plane? Then it’s good to either increase tiling size (to make texture smaller and not stretchy) or to split your plane into smaller ones.

If you don’t get what I’ve said then you should read some more about textures, that might help you :wink:

i’ve read about textures but i’m still not really mastering the subject, especially regarding tiling or atlasing.

here’s a pic of what i’m talking about.

each square will have a 512x512 px blank texture, then the user can paint (the red line) on them.

Looks like this is a total used texture, so as I mentioned it above with the “door-texture-example” it’s only be used once for the whole thing. So you only have a few options here, first would be to increase the texture resolution to a higher one, for that simple texture it would be ok to create a 4096x4096 (if that size is needed) as it’s just blank. Another option would be to tile your plane into smaller planes that make use of the texture, if you can make it work with the line-draw-thingy.

You could also use a trick to do your line, if that works for you. I’m thinking of creating that plane and applying a texture with 32x32 blank would be enough. When you now draw on that plane it would look awkward, but the idea I have is to use a mesh for this. You could create a simple plane and let it follow the drag&drop mouse position and this plane will be in the color you want to draw. Dunno if this will work ok, or will look weird, but maybe it’s worth a try? ^^ (You could also use the Line-Renderer or other fitting parts for this).

increasing texture size is not very efficient as with a 1k texture, the games slows down already…

for now, i don’t see any other option than splitting the floor and apply a seperate texture for each one of them…

if anybody else has another approach of this problem…