Splitting the collider and mesh renderer breaks XR simple interactable

I want to have a separation of concerns, with a base object managing the collisions and XR interactable and a child object doing the mesh rendering:

Parent - Transform + Capsule Collider + XR Simple Interactable
Child - Transform + Capsule (Mesh Filter) + Mesh Renderer

In this configuration (and some variations therein) the XR Ray Interactor does not recognize the parent object as something it is colliding with. I also flipped the Is Trigger to True and added the parent to itself as one of the Colliders on the XR Simple Interactable.

If I move the Collider and Interactable down to the child everything works, but I’d much rather have the parent being selected (separating interaction capability from the visual representation):

Parent - Transform
Child - Transform + Capsule (Mesh Filter) + Mesh Renderer + Capsule Collider + XR Simple Interactable

I’ve tried a bunch of variations to no effect, and neither the documentation nor the forums seem to address this situation.


Annnnnd I keep forgetting to add such details like I’m in Unity 2021.2.10f1, with the new input system, and all the packages up to date.

I figured it out I think, the other day.

The collider is for physics-based stuff only (collider-to-collider interactions).

The interactor is hitting the MESH, so I need a mesh renderer and not a collider on the parent object. I can paint it invisible (alpha=0) and that’s fine.

This fundamental stuff needs to be more visible.