Spotlight from a torch now showing in webGl, alternatives?

Hello everyone! I have a completely dark scene, which is light up by the player´s torch… This is a Spotlight.
I use baked GI, but the spotlight is not showing on the WebGL build. is this not supported as well? Any alternatives? note: the standalone build is working fine

Settings here

could you please submit a bug report with a repro project ?

Thank you!
I´have just submitted the report…I have just one question: a real time spotlight is supposed to be supported in WebGL?

There is a problem on Windows when using Deferred rendering, that we are currently investigating. For the time being you can use Forward rendering and you should be fine.

Hello, sorry for the late reply…
Thank you Marco, but the rendering path is already Forward rendering…any other idea?

Not at the moment but if you submit a bug report with a repro project we can look at it ?

Thank you Marco for your time! I’m kind of new…so I’m still learning.
The problem was the light’s render mode… i set it to “Important” and it is working now…

Thank you again and Have a nice day :slight_smile: !

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OMG, you save me many hours, now my Spotlight works with WebGL :slight_smile: