Spotlight with cookies

Is there a trick to getting this to work?

They work in the editor for me(and obviously using unity remote), but I can’t get them to work on the actual device either.

If anyone has them working on the actual device and can shed some light on what they did precisely to get them to work, I would appreciate a shove in the right direction. I’ve tried all compression types, and import image sizes, etc. I used the manual’s description on getting them to work along with the light cookies “square” .psd base image(that got them to work in the editor), and then have ran through all of the compression types.

Cookies require pixel based lights… iPhone only supports vertex based.

Enable iPhone emulation on the editor, that will help ensuring that you only see whats possible.
Otherwise its running in desktop mode which is seriously missleading

I also was disappointed that the spotlight looked like that. So because the iPhone uses vertex shaders you can’t overlay a cookie to appear like a spotlight?

well is there a replacement for the cookie ?
I have a rotating Light with a cookie and i’m looking for a solution on the iPhone.
i Try’ed with a rotating plane with my cookie texture alpha set… but it doesn’t work…
So if you have Solution plz give me a idea.

I have three types of emulation : iPhone MBXLite and 2 3GS flavours. All of them show the cookie. It’s not in the build. I can see the reason why, but doesn’t this mean that the emulation is not really trustworthy? Or am I missing something?

You seem to missunderstand.
No shaders are allowed on the iphone, you use pure DX7 class vertex color based lights, which does not allow you to project anything. They are a hardware thing.

To get a cookie projection, check out the blob projectors.

As for the emulation: Sure you are checking the game view?
The editor view is not using any emulation, its your hardware.
Either way, the easist and cleanest defined way to work with lights is to use Force Vertex on all lights as vertex lighting is all you have

I am definitely checking the Game View!
But I will check out blob projectors, thanks for the tip.