Sprint Animation makes the default gun position change

I have set up a player controller with different empties that are assigned to parts of my script. I have one for movement which contains the walk, idle, and sprint animations. In my C# script I have a speed based animation controller, which makes the animation Idle when the playerspeed is 0, it makes the player walk when the speed is 3.5, and sprint when it is 7.5. I had it working before, but then I used a tutorial for aiming down sights (ADS). Now I can aim down the sights, but whenever I sprint the default position of the gun changes to the first frame of the sprint animation, but still has the idle, firing, jumping and walking animations, just oriented to the first sprint frame. Any ideas???

Here is part of the code:

public void SpeedController()
		if((Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") != 0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") != 0) && VelocityMagnitude > 0)
				walkingstate = WalkingState.Running;
				CharMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = RunSpeed;
				CharMotor.movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = RunSpeed;
				CharMotor.movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = RunSpeed / 2;
				walkingstate = WalkingState.Walking;
				CharMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = WalkSpeed;
				CharMotor.movement.maxSidewaysSpeed = WalkSpeed;
				CharMotor.movement.maxBackwardsSpeed = WalkSpeed / 2;
			walkingstate = WalkingState.Idle;
	public void AnimationController()
		if (WasStanding && !CharCont.isGrounded)
			WasStanding = false;
			JumpAnimationHolder.animation.Play("Jump 1");
		else if (!WasStanding && CharCont.isGrounded)
			WasStanding = true;
			JumpAnimationHolder.animation.Play("Land 1");
		if (walkingstate == WalkingState.Running)
			WalkAnimationHolder.animation["Sprint 1"].speed = VelocityMagnitude / RunSpeed;
			WalkAnimationHolder.animation.CrossFade("Sprint 1", 0.2f);
		else if (walkingstate == WalkingState.Walking)
			WalkAnimationHolder.animation["Walk 1"].speed = VelocityMagnitude / WalkSpeed;
			WalkAnimationHolder.animation.CrossFade("Walk 1",0.2f);
			WalkAnimationHolder.animation.CrossFade("Idle 1",0.2f);

public void ADSController()
		if (Input.GetButton("Fire2"))
			IsAiming = true;
			ADSHolder.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(ADSHolder.localPosition, CurrentWeapon.Scopes[CurrentWeapon.CurrentScope].adsposition, 0.25f);
			PlayerCamera.camera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(PlayerCamera.camera.fieldOfView, CurrentWeapon.Scopes[CurrentWeapon.CurrentScope].fov, 0.25f);
			IsAiming = false;
			ADSHolder.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(ADSHolder.localPosition, Vector3.zero, 0.25f);
			PlayerCamera.camera.fieldOfView = Mathf.Lerp(PlayerCamera.camera.fieldOfView, 60, 0.25f);

Is your gun a child object of the animated object? If it is, it might be moving wit the sprint animation. Try making a separate animation that keeps the gun in its position and use this code to play it The Script

make sure the gun isn’t a child, if you did do that make an empty gameobject and put the gun and main camera inside it, then attach the mouse look on the gameobject. that way the gun will follow the camera but the camera will only be affected by the animation. thats what i figured out to do after a month in development. it works well too. hope that fixes it for you.