hi Guys i created a script which makes my sprite move, what i did is i created an texture array which hold my sprite images i know i should use a sprite sheet but i dont like it that way, anyways what i want to do is when Unity runs i want the sprite to run automatically. I want my array to cycle through the number of elements within the array and once it has reached to the end i want it to restart. I have created a function at the bottom and that's where i want the code written in and then i want to call it on the start function here is my script:
the array that hold the images is `var idleFrames : Texture [];`
var MoveSpeed : float = 5;
var CurrentFrame: int =0;
var altTerryTexture : Texture[];
var TerryIdleTexture: Texture [];
var idleFrames : Texture [];
function Start (){
function Update () {
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)){
transform.Translate(Vector3(MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 0 ,0));
renderer.material.mainTexture = altTerryTexture[CurrentFrame];
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)){
transform.Translate(Vector3(-MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime , 0, 0));
renderer.material.mainTexture = TerryIdleTexture[CurrentFrame];
function StartSpriteAnime(){
thanks in advance :)