Sprite atlas's iOS platform settings discrepancy between displayed settings and code retrived settings

as stated, I was trying to set the platform compression format for iOS platform but found out a discrepancy between displayed ones and cod retrived ones. Can figured out how to fix this?

And I was just doing this:

  var s = atlas.GetPlatformSettings(BuildTarget.iOS.ToString());
  Debug.Log($"Platform settings for {atlas.name}: {s.format}"); // Log the retrieved settings


That’s because BuildTarget.iOS.ToString() doesn’t work in this case and gives your the default settings

In order to get platform settings you should use the following arguments

var defaultSettings = atlas.GetPlatformSettings("DefaultTexturePlatform");
var iOSSettings = atlas.GetPlatformSettings("iPhone");
var androidSettings = atlas.GetPlatformSettings("Android");