Sprite Editor : Can't save pivot points

Hi All!

I’m creating a 2d platformer game, and I’m currently adding my animations.

I’m using TexturePacker to create the sprite sheet, which create 2 files : a tpsheet and a png.

My issue is, I don’t know why, some images won’t have their pivot in the center. The pivot will be far to the right outside of the image box. No idea why. I had the same issue when I was using Libgdx with another sprite sheet creator software. When I open it in texture packer, the pivots are supose to be centered.

But no big deal, I will just adjust the pivot points in unity. I go into the sprite sheet in unity, and open the sprite editor. I see the misplaced pivot points, I reposition them, click apply, and close the editor. I test, pivot are still not centered. I open the sprite editor again, and my pivots are back in the wrong position! Like It didn’t save my change!

Anyone had that issue? I tried to search google, but found nothing to help me.

Is it because I use Texture packer?


Hi KarDiamond,

I had the same issue. I had to manually update the .tpsheet with the pivot points. Not ideal, I’m sure there is a better way that I’ll need to look into later but this is a quick workaround.

Hope this helps!


I also did the same thing, like you said it’s not the best thing. No idea why we have this issue!

At least I’m not alone. :slight_smile:


No problem. I have honestly moved away from TexturePacker and just use the Unity built in Sprite Packer. It meets my current needs.

Sad that this is still an issue. This was almost 3 years ago and this problem still prevails? It worked fine on all the other sprites, just a few new ones I added to my sprite sheet wont update properly.

There are two ways to solve this problem in older and in the current version of texture packer described here: Custom pivot in sprite sheet . In the end you just need to uncheck the “Enable pivot points” in the “sprite settings” tab within the texture packer.