Sprite Extrude Edges does nothing.

I am writing an outline shader for the sprites in my game. We have run into a problem where the outline is not drawing around the whole sprite because the quad is too small (see attached image.)

Unfortunately, we have 500+ sprites in the game and it is not possible to simple add a 2-3 pixel border around each one because there are too many sprites to convert. I was hoping to use the sprite extrude edges feature to add space to the draw area. However, no matter what number I set it to, it has no effect on the sprite draw area159965-screen-shot-2020-05-20-at-65300-am.png.

Is there a way to easily expand the border on sprite quads?

Any help would be a life saver.

From what I understand this is how the Extrude edges option for sprites work: When you import a sprite image it will automatically crop out all transparent pixels. Extrude edges will allow you de-crop the image a little. In other words, you have to some some transparent spacing in your original image for this to work. It won’t add more pixel draw space.