Sprite gets massively compressed / pixelized when camera size zooms out

I have a pixel spritesheet, and it looks fine when its zoomed in, but the second I zoom out it starts combining pixels together removing any detail it has

here it looks completely fine

however resolution is cut in half for this one

do I not scale the camera with this?

or is it my spritesheet that’s wrong

Is this a problem with my out monitor not being high enough resolution? But the change is still notably visible.


Could be severall things. I only have a few ideas:

  1. Do you have pixel perfect installed?
  2. What is your anti-alias setting?
  3. When you zoom-out, what do you exactly do with the camera? Can you share the code?
  4. Do you have this issue in worldspace or on uicanvas?
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Turning on ani-aliasing worked perfectly thank you so much! I did not have pixel perfect installed, and I zoomed out using size from the projection component of the camera. I believe I had the same issue on other components even the floor and walls but this one fixed it

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