Sprite Image is not loaded

mysprite = Resources.Load(“Images/down”,typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite;

		GameObject go = new GameObject("up");
		SpriteRenderer renderer = go.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
		renderer.sprite = mysprite;

		Vector3 center = new Vector3(18,46,0);
		go.transform.position += center;

The object up is created and attached to the game.
But the image down.png which is in Images folder is not attached to the sprite renderer

Sprite : None (Sprite)

Have you tried debuggin this to see if the sprrite is actually retrieved?

Try this:

if (mysprite) 
      Debug.Log("sprite loaded succesfully: " + mysprite );
      renderer.sprite = mysprite;
      Debug.Log("no sprite loaded: " + mysprite );

Replace line 5 with this and check the output in the console.

Hope this helps