Hey guys,
I’ve been recently fooling around with sprite manager 2 testing sprite frame animation offsets and came across a weird problem with alpha transparency.
I put together a really crap small sprite that I wanted to test if sprite manager takes into account the position of a sprite on an image and how the resulting sprite sheet comes out. It all worked fine and the sprite sheet was built properly etc but I get a weird alpha bleed problem when being rendered.
Here is an attached image. I changed the Materials Main Color to red to show what I mean. Normally this displays as white.
I’ve followed along with a few tutorials prior to this test and they all worked fine with pixels being displayed properly and no bleed. The only difference now is I built and exported the pngs myself. But as far as I can tell those pixels transparent. I cant tell if their are any opaque pixels there. Is there a special way to export pixel art?