Sprite Manager

i have asprite sheet in which i need to move frames 1-11 only once while 12-17 in a loop till a user clicks on a button on the sprite…

i wrote a script which plays the sprite once and it is working fine but dont know how to implement the looping property.
any help would be appriciated.

thanks in advance.

I would set up a state engine and a counter :

enum spriteState { Idle, FirstFrames, LoopFrames }

var spritePlayState : spriteState;

function Start()
	// Set the state like this : 
	spritePlayState = spriteState.FirstFrames;

function Update()
	switch( spritePlayState )
		case spriteState.Idle :
		case spriteState.FirstFrames :
		case spriteState.LoopFrames :

function Idle()
	// do nothing, or just play first frame

function FirstFrames()
	// Use your play script here to cycle between frames 1 and 11
	// from here you can also change states
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(Keycode.Space))
		spritePlayState = spriteState.LoopFrames;
	// or instead change state when frame reached 11 =]

function LoopFrames()
	// Use your play script here to cycle between frames 12 and 17
	// then with another condition return to Idle state
	// spritePlayState = spriteState.Idle;

This is probably too complex for what you are after, but anyway, here’s a state engine =]