Sprite Masking

I’ve been looking for a way to mask one sprite with another, and have found some interesting bits and pieces on the topic. However, none is excactly what I’m looking for.

What I need is to be able to mask a transparant sprite with another, including alpha gradients. This should theoretically be possible to accomplish, and I feel this kind of shader should come standard with Unity. Regardless, I’ve looked around and found these links that might help others:

Sprite Mask: [Released] Sprite Mask - masking system for Unity Sprite - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
It’s a Sprite Mask asset for Unity. It looks great! But it doesn’t yet support alpha gradients… For any other masking purpose, though, it’s perfect.

This Unity Answers link: Sprite obstruction transparent area - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
Someone created an alpha gradient mask shader. Only problem is, it is limited to a pre-defined circular area, with a static centre and size.

My theory is that by combining the shaders of both could result in an alpha gradient sprite masking shader. Sadly, I have absolutely no experience with creating shaders, and every time I tried it ended up quite horribly.

So my question is… what alternatives are there, and what would you do when faced with this problem?
I hope the links help anyone out looking for sprite masking, by the way. ^^

This might be something you’re looking for : Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making.