Hi! Is there a reason for why a sprite might show up in the editor preview of the game, but not when the game is ran?
I use both canvas for image for background, as well as sprites for other stuff, and I’m wondering perhaps if there’s a crash between using canvas and using sprites? I’ve tried turning off the canvas for testing but the result is the same: sprite doesn’t show.
I’m also puzzled as to why my sprite got made extremely small when I added it to the editing scene and I had to zoom on quite a deal to find it and give the right scale property, which turned out to be more than 100 times. The resolution was 1920x1080 normal resolution when I added it.
Just a quick tip: If you double click a game object in the hierarchy view, the camera focuses and zooms in on it! Just throwing that out there because it saved me a ton of time when I figured it out.
Can you locate your game object in the scene view while the game is running and then check if the camera should be seeing it? Or are you accidentally culling the layer the sprite is on?