Sprite pivot issue for Windows (fine for MacOS)

Hi folks,

I’m having some trouble with the pivot point of sprites for windows. The funny thing is that I tested the same on my macbook and for mac is working fine!

Basically you set the pivot of a sprite to anywhere, and when you try to rotate the sprite the editor doesn’t seems to “respect” the pivot you set. I created a blank project in both (MacOS and Windows) with the same sprites, using the same version of Unity (5.3.4f1 or 5.3.5f1 happens in both version) and I get the same results: In MacOS the editor respect the pivot, and windows ignores the pivot for rotation.

For a more visual explanation, please see the screenshots attached.

At the top left of your Unity window, do you see a little button that says “Center”? If so, click it and it will use the pivot as the handle location.

Do you mind attaching a screenshot? Can’t find the button you described.


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Thanks for that jeffrey, but that doesn’t change anything when you are rotating the object. Does it work for you?

Nevermind! just realised the mistake! it had to do with what you pointed out. Thanks for that! Funny how is different for mac/windows.

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