Sprite Sheet on a Plane Workflow

Hey all,

Curious about the workflow involved in sprite sheet animation on a plane. In particular, I’m curious about the size of the plane. (Quick note, I’m not using the sprite render system due to a mix of 3D and sorting order stuff)

How do you deal with an abnormal sized sprite compared to the rest of your sprites? For example:

3929095--335644--Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 10.57.26 AM.png
The majority of the animations fit in the plane the size of the green box. But some of the sprites extend out of the green space. Do I need to make my grid of sprites to fit the largest one? Or is there something I’m not considering here?

Thanks in advance!

Can’t you just manipulate the pivot point?

You can use a tool like TexturePacker for this. It packs the sprite sheet for you and also creates a data file that contains the coordinates and sizes of the sprites. It also packs the sprites much tighter because it calculates the outlines based on polygons giving you more space on a sprite sheet.

The free TexturePacker Importer from the asset store slices the sprites automatically and updates your project when you add or remove sprites.