I have a sprite I want to use as a tiled background over a large area. That’s it, nothing fancy - this seems like it should be the easiest thing in the world but I can’t figure it out, either with the sprite renderer or with materials. Searching only reveals posts that seem to indicate it’s not possible in 4.3 without writing ugly code; is there a proper way to do this now in with the editor in Unity 5?
Just use a quad with a tiled material on it. You don’t need it to be a sprite as such; the sprite shaders aren’t really compatible with tiling.
I have a material with the graphic on Albedo, but how do I set it up to tile? The documentation is about as sparse as it gets, but when I use “Tiling” to get it to the right size, it looks all messed up: Imgur: The magic of the Internet What am I doing wrong?
Don’t use the standard shader; that’s massive overkill for a background. Just use an unlit shader.
Okay, but I still get the same issue - i.e. I use the appropriate Tiling value to reduce the image from stretched out to its proper aspect ratio, but the rest of the quad is still filled in with a weird mess. My image is just that row on the bottom, and I want it to be repeated to fill out the Quad.
Change your texture from clamp to repeat.