If you’ve ever had an issue where the first frame of your jumping animation is flickering between movement like so:
(Here’s a youtube video of this same thing just in case the gif didn’t work)
I have found a solution with the help of Kybernetik in the comment section below.
Simply change the first frame of the jumping animations to that of the standing and/or walking animations. That worked for me and now everything looks great.
Thanks again, Unity community, and good luck to you all.
Try pausing the Unity Editor before you land and using the button to the right of pause to step through frame by frame until it shows the bad frame, then select the character’s Animator and have a look in the Animator window to see if you can figure out what it’s doing. It looks like it’s transitioning to the wrong state for a frame.
You might also be interested in Animancer (link in my signature) which lets you avoid Animator Controllers and just control everything in scripts, meaning that you actually have the ability to debug your logic instead of trying to figure out what an Animator Controller is doing by observing it from the outside. Animancer Lite is free and likely has everything you’ll need for a sprite based game.
Wow - thanks for the intel. I’m going to try the step - by - step thing you mentioned, and then I’ll have a look at animancer as well! I’m trying to learn C#, so the more I can force myself to use scripts, the better.
Besides I’d prefer to have more manual control over things anyway.