SpriteAtlas thoughts

@Johaness_Reuben Edit time - this is relatively easy to do in something like photoshop with a png sprite atlas. And useful for changing the colour of a character’s clothing throughout an animation.

@Johaness_Reuben In my game I need to figure out if the user has clicked on a transparent pixel of a sprite. I’ve been getting the offset between the user’s click point and the transform position, and then translating that into uv coordinates to get where the user has clicked on the sprite. Using GetPixel I can find out if the user has clicked on a transparent pixel. This method works on any other sprite atlas I use, but not with the new Unity one. Is this something that can be worked around or is there a bug?


Sprite Atlas is definitely a step in the right direction, congratulations on releasing it!
But is there any chance for an API that will allow to actually create atlases programmatically, not just define them as sets of sprites? Full control over the atlases - how many textures to create, where exactly on the atlas texture will the sprites be, their rotation etc. As it is now, both Sprite Packer and Sprite Atlas are black boxes - you throw sprites into them, and you get an atlas, but that’s it, there isn’t any control over how the atlas will turn out to be.
If there was an API that allowed full control over atlases, it would be easy to implement linked atlases (among other things) without it being a built-in feature. I’m already doing this in my project, but it is an insanely hacky solution that could break easily.
Just give us, users, the tools and we will implement that in no time :stuck_out_tongue:

@Romano We need to investigate further if its a bug. Could you file a bug report? Thanks.

I very much dispute that. I’m using normal mapped 2D sprites for a mobile space shooter, and they work brilliantly on a Nexus 7 2013 which is far from a high-end device. The problem is Unity has such a backwards concept of sprites that combining sprites and normal maps is a disaster. I’m sure if it was easy to do anything more with sprites than just flat-shaded, devs would use those abilities, and it’s not lock supporting some valuable features is much work.

Update the sprite material to include a normal-mapped option/variant, and improve the sprite atlasing to allow for associated sprite-sheets. Hell, give us the option to export a spritesheet and manually align the normals texturesif we must. Presently I can’t use the sprite atlasing at all.

Having gone to the effort to upgrade to 2017 to use the new, more efficient Sprite Atlas methods, disappointment doesn’t begin to describe it. I’m left still needing to roll my own resource library and burn through draw-cycles. Hopefully I can find something in the Asset Store that’ll help.