SpriteAtlas V1

On the Android platform, I used code to modify the compression settings of spriteatlas Android and iOS. The spriteatals file information was indeed modified, but in the Inspector panel, the settings of the iOS platform did not change.

dude, I just ran into the same problem yesterday and still waiting for a solution. I am currently manually change ios settings.

I am currently using the manual method, automatically selecting all eligible resources, and then manually batch modifying them.
If you have an Apple device, you can try to see if the modification is effective on the Apple device, because the file information has been changed, so in theory it should be effective.

So you are saying it is only a Unity editor display bug, but the code change actually takes effect. But when I check the spriteatlas’ meta file, it does not show any changes. I wonder which actually counts. I will doulbe check on that. Thank you!

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are working on a fix for the issue (iOS setting not getting updated from inspector).

Please use the following issue to track: Unity Issue Tracker - Sprite Atlas Override for iOS setting remains disabled when saving its change to enabled

Will also post an update once the fix is available. Thanks.