SpriteAtlasManager.atlasRequested is not invoked in editor

I am using AssetBundle in editor and use the new spriteatlas asset in 2017.
But I met a problem, I need to use the spriteatlas and asset bundle both in editor, and I register the SpriteAtlasManager.atlasRequested. But it will not callback in editor, but it can be invoked in player.

I test check or not check the “Include build”, the result is the same.
Is there anything I am missing?

The sprite late bind is not really late bind.
If the image is load by AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync and AssetBundle.LoadAssetAsync, call the action after the load complete some frame later but not call it directly, the image use this SpriteAtlas is not update.

I am using the Unity 2018.1.0b13 and the using the .Net Standard 2.0. Is there any error for it?