yeah, even when I try to download it through the asset store by doing that, and I import the package, it only installs the previous version. it shows that it is going to be the current version, but after you import it the upgrade instructions still state “THIS VERSION IS 1.1.0”
i guess i’ll try to un/reinstall unity tomorrow, and see if that helps. i was hoping maybe there was an error when you uploaded the update or something, as I can’t understand why it refuses to update.
i’ll keep you updated.
so i deleted and reinstalled unity, and i’m having the same problem. theres a fuckton of people who have similar problems with the asset store I guess, but this is screwing me up. are you sure that when you uploaded the update to the asset store that it actually took?
if you were to try and download your own asset, which version is it giving you?
heres the screen shot. emailed unity support, will have a response within five days or so.
hey i figured it out. I used a different email for my Unity account, so because it was on the same computer it allowed me to download the package, but it wouldn’t let me update it.
thanks for the help. was an obvious thing. remembered which email I used and have the updated version.
hey, got it mostly working again. quick question. in the older version of your asset, when you’re moving your sprite would be able to turn around a lot more fluently. i’ve noticed with this version, your character will stop when changing direction. that is like if you are going north, and you do a right turn, you used to keep your momentum while moving, but now it seems that your character will go north, stop, rotate right and then go right. is this something I screwed up in a script, or does this happen now due to rewrite?
@HeadClot88 - I’d agree with you, and it’s not a typo. It was added by customer request.
I think to make it that customizable I’d need to rewrite the whole thing a bit. And it would need to be a separate component altogether at this point so it doesn’t break everyone that’s already using it this way.
okay quick question… so i see you fixed the pause when changing direction, however now when you spin around, you do so immediately, without the rotation. in your older versions, it wasn’t immediate. you would still keep some momentum and wouldn’t pause, but your character would clearly rotate. is there a way I can restore this effect?
Yes you can. In PersonPlayerController.cs - method HandleMove().
Find this block of code:
if (attackTimer <= 0 && movement !=
var newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(rot);
rb.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, newRotation, 360f);
Change the 360f to something smaller. You can go a step further and make that be a public variable - look at walkSpeed and runSpeed variables for example.
Hello I’m having serious trouble creating AI for my game with this. I’m using PlayMaker to make the AI however it seems when I set everything up with raycasting and look at and all that other good stuff that goes into it the AI wont work like it will never look at the character direction or move towards the character even when in radius. I know I have everything set up right because it works with 3D capsules and cubes. So am I suppose to set it up as a 2D AI however then that causes issues with it moving on the Z axis. How could I do this to work properly? Is there a asset you may recommend? Its just not working for me.
Can you make your reply to Brandon public on the off chance it helps someone with the same problem? Also can you incorporate the option to choose direction amount on a per animation basis?
It was more so me figuring it out myself but he gave some helpful tips on other issues I had. Basically I just had the rig set up wrong as far as the movement goes. If you’re using UFPS like I was then its the vp controllers that causes issues because it seems that it interferes with the collision colliders and the raycasting detection. I fixed this by getting playmakers simple AI plugin for $14.99 because it has compatibility for UFPS and playmaker to make the AI work without heavy scripting. However if you wanted to get it to work without the plugin you would either need to remove UFPS all together and find a different method to get a FPS controller to work or go into it with some very heavy scripting and modifications.
I just bought SpriteMan for some Retro projects. I’ve learned how to use it with the Animation pannel and I’m facing some problems as I never did animation before ; Idle and Walk states are looping together on my first try as I don’t know how to link actions, or Keys, and animations… (EDIT : I learned how to do this !)
I’m also quite disappointed SpriteMan doesn’t have 32 Ways setup. I was about to recreate sprites from a game called Driver 2 Advance, which has 32 Ways car sprites. And I can’t use these sprites fully. Will Spriteman have a 32 Ways setup someday ?
It’s just a detail but I think you should improve the scenes that comes with the asset a little bit. The pixelated characters doesn’t match the default glass textures and such…
Nevertheless, I hope this asset will be very useful in the future.