SpriteManager2 and Universal Apps

Is anyone using SpriteManager2 with a universal app (iPad/iPhone)? If so, how are you supporting multiple texture assets optimized for each device?

I was thinking I could create two prefabs (one using the iPad texture, one for the iPhone texture). Attach both prefabs to my GameManager script. For example "BackgroundPrefabiPad" and "BackgroundPrefabiPhone". Expose a single property on the GameManager called "Background" and return either the "BackgroundPrefabiPad" or "BackgroundPrefabiPhone" depending on the device. So when I instantiate the background its something like...

MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(GameManager.Background, [position], [rotation])

Would this make sense? My concern would be a ballooned file size on the .app because both prefabs are technically being used, granted at runtime only 1 of the materials would be loaded. Is their any "native" way of supporting this?


I would suggest investigating using two different scenes that are basically clones of each other with different materials depending on if it's the high res or low res scene, and having an initial loading scene decide which of your two near-duplicate scenes to load depending on the user's device.

Maintenance will probably be a pain, though.