Is anyone using SpriteManager2 with a universal app (iPad/iPhone)? If so, how are you supporting multiple texture assets optimized for each device?
I was thinking I could create two prefabs (one using the iPad texture, one for the iPhone texture). Attach both prefabs to my GameManager script. For example "BackgroundPrefabiPad" and "BackgroundPrefabiPhone". Expose a single property on the GameManager called "Background" and return either the "BackgroundPrefabiPad" or "BackgroundPrefabiPhone" depending on the device. So when I instantiate the background its something like...
MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(GameManager.Background, [position], [rotation])
Would this make sense? My concern would be a ballooned file size on the .app because both prefabs are technically being used, granted at runtime only 1 of the materials would be loaded. Is their any "native" way of supporting this?