SpritePacker : what about original sprites?

when i use the spritepacker, the single sprites are still included in the build? Or Unity just include the atlas textures? How can i test it? I’m using actually a packer with more than 200 sprites, but when i build the project, i still find the original textures in the build.

Thank you!

Just to make things clear, this is the editor.log after the build

Used Assets and files from the Resources folder, sorted by uncompressed size:
4.6 mb 0.8% Assets/Resources/Fonts/tetsubin.ttf
4.1 mb 0.8% Assets/Resources/Sprites/Map/Mappa.png
2.7 mb 0.5% Assets/Levels/Livello1/ARENA.png
2.7 mb 0.5% Assets/Levels/Livello6/SfondoEntrata.png
2.5 mb 0.5% Assets/Levels/Livello1/ponte.png
2.5 mb 0.5% Assets/Levels/Livello1/Luce Faro.png

Everything under Assets/Levels … is actually packed. So it is normal i still see the single texures in the editor log?