Sprites blurred (Filter mode is set to point)

I’m new to Unity and I’m developing Android game. When I connect my phone with Unity Remote and launch game, all textured are blurred and they look awfull.

Did some research and set Filter mode to point as everyone suggested but that didn’t work at all.

My sprite settings are as follows:

  • Texture type: Sprite (2D and UI)
  • Packing Tag: isn’t set
  • Pixels per unit: 100
  • Pivot: Center
  • Generate Mip Maps: unchecked
  • Filter mode: point

Can anyone help me with this?

Did you check the “MaxSize” dropdown in the platform settings at the bottom of the import settings?

Make sure that’s set above your image’s dimensions or it will be downsampled.

Also, does it look any different when you run it within the Unity editor, in a game view set to the same dimensions as your Android screen?

Can you show us a sample?

With unity remote that’s how it usually looks for me also…

But try also using PNG, instead of JPEG:


Unity Remote is running streamed video from the editor, it’s not running on the device. It’s just for quick testing. For actual testing, make a build.
