Sprites randomly flipping on Game View, but not on Editor View

I have the most strange bug ever happening here!

When moving or zooming my camera on an Isometric View, some sprites randomly flips on X-axis, but this happens only on the game view, on editor view the sprite is shown correctly.

The bug also happens on the Build Game.

I took this screenshot at the same time: On editor view is correct, but it on game view it’s flipped.

I cannot reproduce this on an empty project. What can I do to identify the problem or report it so it can be solved? Any advice? This does not make any sense.

the buildings hav some kind of code?

No, they don’t!

It’s some kind of bug related with Sprite Atlases… It was all grouped on the same atlas and the bug was there. I changed some sprites to different Sprite Atlas and the bug was gone!

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Just wanted to say that I encountered the same problem, sprites randomly flipped once they were added to a Sprite Atlas, unchecking the Tight Packing option on the atlas soved the problem for me.