Sqlite does not work on Android. Why?!


I have spended several hours to make the Sqlite works on Android but I still can not. On Unity editor all works fine, but when I compile for Android, build the apk, install the apk, the aplication does not work. There is a value that should be returned from the database, however this is not occurs.

Any help is very apprecite.

This is the code that I have used for connection with DB.

private void Awake()
        //dbFile = "URI= File:assets/database/wordsdb.sqlite";

private void Connection()
        //connection = new SqliteConnection(dbFile);
        connection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
        command = connection.CreateCommand();

public void GenerateConnectionString()
        string DatabaseName = "wordsdb.sqlite";
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        string dbPath = Application.dataPath + "/database/" + DatabaseName;
        Debug.Log("Compilado no unity. " + Application.dataPath);

                        //check if file exists in Application.persistentDataPath
                        string filepath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + DatabaseName;

                        if (!File.Exists(filepath) || new System.IO.FileInfo(filepath).Length == 0)
                            // if it doesn't ->
                            // open StreamingAssets directory and load the db ->
                                WWW loadDb = new WWW("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/" + DatabaseName);  // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in android
                                    //WWW loadDb = new WWW("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/" + DatabaseName);
                                while (!loadDb.isDone) { }  // CAREFUL here, for safety reasons you shouldn't let this while loop unattended, place a timer and error check
                                // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
                                File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, loadDb.bytes);
                                Debug.Log("Compilado no android. " + Application.dataPath);
                                var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/Raw/" + DatabaseName;  // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
                                // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
                                File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);
#elif UNITY_WP8
                                var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/" + DatabaseName;  // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
                                // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
                                File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);
                                var loadDb = Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/" + DatabaseName;  // this is the path to your StreamingAssets in iOS
                                // then save to Application.persistentDataPath
                                File.Copy(loadDb, filepath);
                        var dbPath = filepath;
        connectionString = "URI=file:" + dbPath;

I am testing with Asus Zenfone 3.

Help! Please!

Please provide the device logs with the Debug.Log output How To - Capturing Device Logs on Android