Does anyone know if the .NET present in Unity iPhone has support for SQLLite to store and retrieve data?
Nothing against other ways, but I think on the iPhone I wouldn’t want to use anything but SQLLite for performance reasons.
bump since I’m interested to know if this would work
I made a test project to find out if SQLite works. I copied some DLLs related to SQLite from MonoiPhone.framework folder (found inside the Unity, but it seems that the required System.Transactions.dll is NET2.0 component, so it works in Unity Editor, but will not compile to the current iPhone Mono NET1.1 environment.
(I even tried SQLite.NET C# library (the NET1.0 one) found in PHP Development Services - Hire Top PHP Developers - Astec but it required native sqlite.dll library and thus was not working either.)
We have some working code base that uses SQLite in Unity and we hoped that it will work in iPhone as there are native support for it in the SDK… But, it seems we had no such luck.
Hm, I would think that any implementation that doesn’t go through libsqlite won’t give you any performance gain. So I guess until unity provides a sqlite api or allows calls into the iPhone SDK System.IO is the way to go.