Been testing SSGI in a forest outdoor env, it’s actually a good fit for outdoors!
With full res enabled, it’s much better, there’s still some noise and ghosting, but it’s manageable in outdoor areas.
But performance is quite high, approx 7.3ms on a GTX 1070 with quality set to low (in outdoor open areas quality doesn’t make a big difference in visuals so keeping it low is good) and that cost is a bit crazy.
but with Full Res Disabled it goes down to approx 2.6ms! which is manageable on a GTX 1070.
The issue is noise goes up quite a bit with full res disabled, and it’d be worse than the video since the game would be taking the entire window.
I don’t know what res is used if Full Res is disabled. Is it quarter or half?
If the noise could be reduced with full res disabled it’d be a really big win for SSGI, and In general better denoising. In my experience SSGI isn’t good for interiors, too much noise and the limitations of screen-space effects.
But It could really be a really good fit for outdoor areas. It gives forests much better visuals imo, it looks beautiful with sky shadowing for the trees/vegetation.
Video showing noise with all types of difference quality modes, zoom levels:
Forest comparisons with and without SSGI:
Forest with both disabled:
With SSAO only (High intensity, Full Res Enabled, high quality):
with SSGI only: