SSRR request from Community

Hi Community,

Maybe you know or maybe not Candela SSRR losed confidence. Many people including me does not want to buy his product.

I have already know that Unity team have been working on it, but I request built in SSRR from Unity team as soon as possible. Maybe in 5.0.1.

I want your supports in this thread.Thanks…


Agreed, PBR is extremely dependent on reflections and without SSR it just looks wierd in a lot of situations… SSR isn’t that hard to implement and if the problem is older/mobile hardware, make it DX11 temporarily


Agreed! We need SSR directly inside Unity, with standardshader support, seamless integrated in combination with reflection probes, gi and all the cool stuff! :wink:
It seems to be a small but important step!


I am surprised this wasn’t implented in Unity 4.6… we definitely need this. And it can allow us the option to bake to static cubemaps.


Unity started to show its graphic features with unity 5. We want this process to go on.


I agree. This is one of the main reasons why I use Unreal Engine 4 For Arch Viz. I use Unity for so many other things, that SSRR is pretty much the last major item preventing me from using it for High End Arch Viz.


We agree and we have top men working on it in paralell to shipping 5.0. It will definately not be ready as part of 5.0, but it’s high on our priority list. And we will ship it as soon as it’s solid in the 5.x series. Along with other image effects.


Yay! And I hope this will be as easy as a click of a button… SSRR will also make GI look pretty

It is really good for us to hear these from you @Joachim_Ante_1 .

Totally support the idea of including SSRR in Unity 5 and will love to beta-test it ASAP.

Same here… SSRR is pretty much the most needed thing right now, and the best part is, it will be all native within Unity


+1 for SSRR in Unity5

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Sounds terrific. Hopefully they can be combined somehow so to reuse a lot of the work earlier on.


Oh wow, that’s fantastic news. IMO, Unity 5 needs to come with many more image effects. And more optimised ones too :slight_smile:

Definetly. Not only SSRR. Lets say Unity 5.x to be graphic improvement release. Can we say it @Joachim_Ante_1 ?

glad to hear unity is aiming for SSR! i hope its done in a CGInclude so it can be put in a pixel shader as well. that way transparent objects can have reflections too. its one of the major limitations of unreal at the moment and is really killer to effects like water and glass(which look like shit in unreal). i also back the idea of more image effects. however i think its more important to have more optimized ones(saving power i could use on other things). one thing i would also like to point out is temporal effects(re-projection, AA, super-sampling, etc…). which require a per pixel velocity buffer. this isn’t the end of the world to implement, but i think we need what the people at nvidia had in their unity build. which was the previous model and vertex matrices built in. this way it wouldn’t be dependent on a script on every object. or even better just make a total per-pixel velocity buffer a built-in thing ;3

keep up the awesome unity!

Any chance we will see a decent and fast water solution based on SSRR ?

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hmm image proxy billboard reflection and proxy mesh reflection would be doable too, also new water please :smile:

+1 billboard reflections. mesh is actually really impractical in most cases I’ve found. proxy cube would be doable though.

[quote=“Cynicat, post:19, topic: 567444, username:Cynicat”]
proxy cube would be doable though.
[/quote] Actually, i think we talking the same thing, just different term. I’m forgot what is the correct term for that technique