Hi, I have a hard time understanding the Specular Color in StackLit Master Node based shader.
I see that if I switch on “Energy Conserving Specular”, the specular color brightness has influence on the diffuse color brightness. If I switch it off, nothing happens at all if I change the Specular Color.
If I use Lit Shader, and specular color mode, the specular color changes the specular color. In StackLit Node, I didn’t find a way to change the specular color at all (it doesn’t react to the “Specular Color” input). Is this a known limitation, or maye a bug? Maybe I am doing something wrong?
bump again.
Having the same problem here.
Can’t find a way to control the specular level or color of a stack-lit shader graph in specular parameterization mode.
*Setting the smoothness to 0 seems to kill the specular (terminologically and optically wrong),
But there’s no way to arbitrarily control the dielectric Fresnel reflection.
*dielectric ior of 1 should “kill” the Fresnel reflection but it doesnt
I found that turning both transmission and subsurface scattering off will enable the specular color. I’m not sure why specular color is disabled with these on, but I assume it’s a bug, as specular color works fine on the hair shader which also uses sss and transmission.
When using sss or transmission, the specular color is computed from the IOR parameter set in the diffusion profile.
Starting from HDRP 14, we added a settings in stacklit shadergraphs named “Use IOR From Diffusion Profile”. Unticking it will let you control the specular color from the graph
might be good to add to the documentation of StackLit Shader, as of now it appears as a bug, not a feature