StackOverflowException in GenerateTextMesh()

I’m getting a StackOverflowException whenever I try to enter a rich text string which exceeds the bounds of the TMP_Text element, specifically when Vertical Overflow is set to truncate or ellipses.

This is the error log:

StackOverflowException: The requested operation caused a stack overflow.
TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI.GenerateTextMesh () <0x14b553000 + 0x004a8> in <ad79803eb7fc4f03b0d626be49b0f495>:0
TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI.GenerateTextMesh () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1/Scripts/Runtime/TMPro_UGUI_Private.cs:2705)

And this is the problematic component:

I feel I should note that the second
tag is what pushes this string beyond what the box is tall enough to display all of. Somehow I feel like that must be part of it, as allowing vertical overflow negates the issue.

Please be sure to test using Preview 14 has the handling of Text Overflow modes has been reworked to remove recursions which were causing these types of issues.

Thank you!