Stand Alone Player Build Crashes

Is there something about having a scene that is all UI canvases and 4 camera switches to 4 different canvases each with animated panels at 800 X 600 that would cause a stand alone build to crash before the scene even loads?

If so that’s pretty lame that Unity can’t handle a build that is just UI elements… what if I had actual 3d models with trains in there as well? WTF

I figured out what it was, well actually narrowed it down to one of my sliding UI Canvas panels, there was something about it that was causing the Stand alone player to crash when it tried to load the scene, I deactivated that canvas and then it worked fine.
I think what was causing the crash was that inside of the panel I had a UI game object that had a rotation animation on it that I had set to bool activate and deactivate by the buttons on the UI canvases that did the camera switching to activate that canvas panel.
The main panel had a button that when clicked would turn off the main canvas panel and turn on the other canvas panel and also call a script that did the camera switching, this button also activated the bool for the animation on the game object. And visa versa for the closing of that scene using the button on the 2nd canvas panel for close scene. I found that deactivating the game object with the animation solved the problem so I can ONLY assume this is what was causing the stand alone player to crash when it tried to load the scene.

Why it would do this is a whole other animal. :wink: