Standalone OpenXR builds take long time to start if OVRService not running

We have had recent user reports that our game is not able to start / takes upwards of 10-15 minutes to start in desktop mode (where OpenXR is not initialised). After some digging we found this happens when the Oculus VR Runtime Service is installed but is for some reason not running. Users have been using an incorrect workaround solution of moving/renaming/deleting openxr_loader.dll

Is this a known issue?

Unity version: 2020.3.38f1
OpenXR version: 1.4.2

Things to try:

  • Make sure Oculus is NOT checked in the XR managment
  • Do you use Oculus Integration?
  • Update OpenXR maybe to 1.5.1?

Oculus is definitely not enabled. We only use OpenXR.
Oculus is not integrated and the checkbox is greyed out under XR Management.
I tried upgrading to OpenXR 1.5.3 and it made no difference

Then it’s probably them having the wrong openxr runtime set

Yep fair point, so this bug only occurs if Oculus is used as the OpenXR Runtime on the system (which is not a “wrong” runtime). It is however in my opinion still a bug especially as it occurs when OpenXR is not even initialised.

Then file a bug report, but there isn’t much to do if there isn’t a reproduce case

Yep will do. I have replicated it on a completely fresh project using the VR template with OpenXR only

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Hey, we are also getting this with Phasmophobia. We have been telling everyone to open Oculus first before trying to playing without VR. Deleting the OpenXR dll works however it obviously stops you from playing in VR.

We are on Unity 2021.3.11f1 and OpenXR 1.5.3

This happens in legacy oculus 2019, and oculus xr plugin as well, don’t think it’s limited to openxr. It didn’t used to behave this way long ago, could be some update from Meta that broke stuff in unity.

We reported this to meta/oculus - they’ve reproduced it and are working on getting it fixed soon.


Awesome! Thanks

I heard back from Meta: The fix will be included in their next PC runtime release (v47).

So the problem will resolve itself when the oculus runtime updates itself. No Unity changes needed.