In the Unity Standard Assets their vehicles include aircrafts. I was experimenting with them, but found I could only control yaw, roll, and pitch using the arrow keys while the plane would automatically accelerate. The thing is that there are “throttle change speed” and “Air Brakes Effect” settings in the inspector, but when examining the script, I can’t find an indication of what keys are used for what (Ex: On get key down) , even the arrow keys and wasd which are able to control. I’m a noob at this. how is this plane being controlled without referencing pressed keys in the script? And where can I find the control scheme so I can brake/control throttle? (I already tried pressing each button on the keyboard but only wasd and arrow keys react which is only tiliting)
The 2 Axis and 4 Axis Controllers scripts load the throttle engine data in the Aeroplane Controller. You can see the values are loaded and updated on m_Aeroplane.Move function that calls the data through GetComponent. As i said it, change your throttle inputs inside Move´s parameters. If you want to rebuild or put another jet propulsion system, just access the Aeroplane Controller script and study the Move function code there. Use Fixed Update for Transform and Quaternion. You can see that fixed update is only executed on Axis scripts. Aeroplane Controller only have Start function. So the Axis are the panel of access and execution of throttle engine inside Aeroplane Controller. Use Mathf Clamp to limit some throttle, to smooth use Smooth Damp and to do the object to move use Lerp and Slerp.