So I’m quite new to unity and am trying to learn the basics. Im watching this tutorial and they have me download standard assets for something. But every time I import standard assets to my project it causes many errors. I have searched for a fix for this, but can’t find any solid fix. Can anyone help me? Heres some info I can give. My project is brand new and haven’t imported anything yet, but standard assets. Right when they are done importing I get 29 errors. I will provide screenshots if possible.
Sorry images didnt work for some reason. Here they are in link form
Oh and im running on 2019.4
Standard Assets are no longer supported. The red ones in the console are errors, and the yellow ones are warnings by the way. The error at the top is because the legacy GUIText was removed from Unity a few months back, but it is still used in Standard Assets. If the tutorial you’re following doesn’t use the script with the error, you can probably just delete that script. Otherwise switching from GUIText to UI.Text might be more than a novice should take on, since they are setup a bit differently from each other.
But what I’d really recommend is to take a look at the tutorial and see if they recommend a specific Unity version, or to install a version from around the time the tutorial came out. In the last couple years there’s been a bunch of changes to certain workflows in Unity, so you may have trouble following a which isn’t updated while using 2019.4. You can have installed multiple versions of Unity using the Hub.
Standard Assets 2018 - let us know what you think! page-4#post-5458527
Thank you, I solved my problem a few minutes after posting this. But couldnt locate the forum to delete it.