Standard shader not applying to object

I’m switching shaders to highlight objects and am having trouble with re-applying the standard shader. It seems simple enough and works in some cases but not all which is confusing me.

Here are my shader references:

            _standardShader = Shader.Find("Standard");
            _highlightShader = Shader.Find("Oculus/UnlitTransparent");

And here is the code that calls it on a gameobject:

        void SetTileSelected(GameObject tile)
            Debug.LogFormat("Setting shader selected: {0}",;
            _renderer.material.shader = _highlightShader;

        void SetTileUnSelected(GameObject tile)
            Debug.LogFormat("Setting shader un-selected: {0}",;
            _renderer.material.shader = _standardShader;

Is there any reason why the shader would not be applied immediately or maybe I need an update of some sort to force the shader to apply?

Thanks in advance for any insights!

I figured it out, I needed to get the renderer from the object passed in rather than use the default. derp.