I’m running 5.0.0b11 and I don’t have a lot of experience with PBR, so I’m not sure about this, but when I create a new scene in a completely empty project, add a plane primitive and scale it up to 10x10 and give it a material that’s not fully white (RGB 180, 180, 180) with no specularity (RGB 0, 0, 0, also tried a completely black map) and set that to static so it gets affected by Dynamic GI, it still shows specular behavior. If I look at it from a very low angle and in the direction that the light is also pointing (see screenshot), the plane fades into completely white like it would if it was set up to have specularity.
Is this by design (Fresnel maybe?), or should I submit a bug report?
If it’s a feature, how can I get rid of it? I’m looking to achieve a greyish material with no specularity at all.
Yeah to me it doesn’t look like “specularity”; it looks like Fresnel (“Fresnel effect” is the fact that all surfaces start to be reflective when looked at grazing angles).
@Aras is there a way to turn down Fresnel for the Standard shader? Because I still want to use dynamic GI, but the Fresnel is kind of disturbing in my setup.
@Devil_Inside I would, but I want to use Dynamic GI, so it looks like I have to use the Standard shader.
Really? Wow, Nice! When I switched to a legacy shader yesterday it seemed like the GI just went away alltogether, maybe I just overlooked the progress bar in the lower right corner. I’ll try that as soon as i get home!