Standard Transparent Shader : lightning problem

Hi !! :smiley:

I am currently working on an old project, made on Unity Builtin Render Pipeline.
In this game, there are a lot of 2D sprites and lights. Here an example with some rocks :


Each little rocks of the bigger one is a different renderer.
So for performance reason, i decided to group little renderers into a same mesh.
I did that because :
forward renderer + pixel lightning + different drawOrders + a lot of sprites = a lot of DrawCalls.

Here the result :

As you can see, now i get some problem with my lightning… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Any transparent part which is superposed to another is brighter, and that’s slightly ugly. I’ve tried to organize vertices to get a proper z-index for each rectangle, but nothing to do :


In my shader :

ZWrite On
#pragma surface surf Standard  alpha:fade  keepalpha  exclude_path:deferred vertex:vert noshadow novertexlights nodynlightmap nodirlightmap nofog nometa nolppv noshadowmask  

Anybody have an idea ? Thanks in advance :blush: